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"Amie des Enfants" Honors School ends its second school year






















On July 25th, « Amie des Enfants » Honors School ended its school year. While being excited at the idea of returning home, they were enjoying their last moments together. The reunion between parents and children were full of emotions.


Though the school year started in an uncertain context, the students had all their classes and their work paid off. During the results announcement, the school director, Dieudonnée Manampa, was proud to announce that the school has a success rate of more than 97%.


« Amie des Enfants» Honors School was created by FVS-AMADE BURUNDI “ABAGENZI B’ABANA” in 2014. The project aimed to promote a high standards education that would be accessible to orphans and other vulnerable children. The project came to reality thanks to Monaco Principality and AMADE Mondiale.


While aiming to train the next Burundian elite, “Amie des Enfants” Honors School also wants to train upstanding leaders who will impact positively their communities. The school offers a unique program which not only focus on classical disciplines but also on ICT, English reinforcement, extracurricular activities and personal development. Orphans and other vulnerable children can benefit from this high quality program thanks to the generosity of Crédit Foncier de Monaco, BANCOBU, Bel Air Residence Hotel and Forgotten Song who covers their school and boarding costs.


This year, “Amie des Enfants” Honors School had in 7th and 8th form 136 students including 13 orphans and other vulnerable children. In September, the school will welcome 60 new students in 7th form.

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